The well-laid plans of witches, angels, and teens will run awry in the Supernatural midseason premiere.

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Dean's (Jensen Ackles) pre-hiatus massacre will have long-lasting repercussions, starting in "The Hunter Games." Determined to cure the hunter's Mark of Cain problem once and for all, Castiel (Misha Collins) will launch a dubious mission; one that Sam (Jared Padalecki) will dub the "single worst idea I've ever heard."

Coming from a former demon-blood junkie, that's saying something. Considering Cas' plan will undoubtedly lead to Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) finding his way into the Men of Letters dungeon, Sam probably isn't exaggerating.

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Meanwhile, little Claire Novak and Rowena will both be busy concocting ways to take down their enemies. For Rowena, this means devising a way to unhinge Crowley; for Claire, it means exacting revenge on Dean for killing her friend. It seems she somehow forgot the fact that her "friend" set her up to be rapped.

Find out more when Supernatural returns to The CW on Jan. 20 at 9 p.m. ET. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' next episode, "The Hunter Games."