As Jessica Biel waits to become a first-time mom, she managed to make some time to pose with fans who are noticing her pregnant belly.

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On Sunday, The Inquisitr posted an Instagram photo from social media user Daniel Binet who shared the pic of Biel standing with himself and another fan. The three of them smiled for the camera although the actress' stomach was not shown.

With that being said though, Twitter user "Mama Cat" posted a tweet on Saturday that reads "My son assisted customer Jessica Biel today at the business he manages. That's Mrs. Justin Timberlake to you. #sweet"

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Someone commented on the post by asking if Biel was nice where Mama Cat responded, "@KatieBeth1231 He said she was very nice. And very pregnant :-)"

Timberlake, who co-hosted the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary special on Sunday night, confirmed reports that he and his wife are going to have a baby on his birthday. In one of his Instagram pictures, he's seen kissing Biel's bare stomach where she had a little bump.

He captioned the pic, "Thank you EVERYONE for the Bday wishes! This year, I'm getting the GREATEST GIFT EVER. CAN'T WAIT. #BoyOrGirl #YouNeverKnow #WeDontEvenKnow #WeAreTakingBets"

There still doesn't seem to be any word on what the baby's sex is going to be or when the actress is due.