For all the fans who are dying to find out what's about to happen in Star Wars: Episode VII, some hints might be released books.

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On Monday, Entertainment Weekly announced that at least 20 books will be released this fall that will focus on what happened between Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Odds are likely there will be a lot of enticing information considering that this makes a difference panning more than 30 years.

According to the site, these books will foreshadow what's going to take place in the anticipated flick hitting theaters this December.

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"The Force Awakens is an extraordinarily, heavily guarded storyline," Andrew Sugarman, executive vice president of Disney Publishing Worldwide, said. "To track it, a lot of top-secret meetings were happening up in San Francisco as we worked through this program."

The vice president added some details on what the novels will entail, which ought to cause the readers to ponder a good haul of clues about the upcoming film.

"The partnership with the story group and the editorial team always had to be true to the sanctity of the film while making sure that we find these moments to introduce hints, clues and puzzle pieces," Sugarman said. "Without revealing what those pieces are, it will just allow readers to speculate about the new film: What could a location mean, or what could a character mean?"

Star Wars: Episode VII hits theaters on December 18.