Some juicy secrets have been revealed on the second season of Finding Carter with more lies and tricks that no one expected.

'Finding Carter' Season 2 Promo Shows Main Character Looking Frightened

On Monday, the series' Twitter page posted a new promo that shows some enticing details on what fans are about to discover about Carter's kidnapping. The first thing exposed is Carter's "mother" Lori telling her that her kidnapped daughter has been lied to- and not just from her.

The next thing is Carter talking to David and asking if there was something going on between him and Lori. He doesn't answer right away, leaving questions on what he could possibly be hiding. And odds are likely it's going to be something super crazy since he admits something pretty shocking:

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"I'm responsible for Carter's kidnapping."

This leaves a million questions on what he means by this. Is he responsible for her being taken away as a child? Or is there something else going on where he just feels guilty? Either way, it will not be something that fans should miss out on.

Meanwhile, Crash returns, leaving everyone to be afraid, including the main character. And Taylor is going to have her own drama as she tells her twin sister that she doesn't want her in her life.

And there's more. When Lori takes Carter away, they get in the car. When the teenager asks her kidnapper where they're going, Lori says, "We're going to get Taylor."

Check it out in the link here.

Finding Carter Season 2 premieres on Tuesday, March 31 at 10 p.m. ET on MTV.