The finger of blame in baby Avery's disappearance was pointed in his direction, and now, all of Silas' (Michael Easton) secrets could be exposed on General Hospital.

Silas Makes A Confession To Ava

He has secretly been keeping Ava (Maura West) hidden in New York as he treats her for cancer, with everyone in Port Charles assuming she is actually dead. He recently returned to the town to get the drugs he promised Ava he would secure so he could help her end her life--but he may have done something else while there.

He examined Avery as a favor to Kiki (Hayley Erin) while he was there--but soon afterwards, the baby went missing. And while the police are mainly operating on the possibility that Michael (Chad Duell) or Nina (Michelle Stafford) were the ones responsible for her disappearance, Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) told Nathan (Ryan Paevy) she suspected Silas.

The Search For Avery Continues

Now, Nathan is also in New York--and is on the hunt for Silas, as well as (potentially) Avery.

"I need to speak to Doctor Clay about a missing child," he says to a nurse in a preview clip for the Thursday, April 16 episode.

If he does encounter Silas however, he won't likely come up with any information that is useful--as he has not yet brought Avery to see her mother, meaning he may not have her, at least, not actually with him. He will also not likely allow Nathan to see that Ava is still alive--because it could blow everything.

Though Silas did tell Ava he would help her die, he may instead be doing the exact opposite. He knows Avery could be a match for the bone marrow transplant Ava needs to survive and may have kidnapped her daughter and brought her to the city so he can do the transplant--after putting Ava under so she can assume he is letting her die. But even though he doesn't have Avery on him doesn't mean he isn't considering such a plan, as Ava's mother, Delia (Ilene Kristen), also knows Ava is alive--and she could be holding onto the baby until Silas decides its time to do the procedure.

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. on ABC.

General hospital, ABC, Soap Operas