As Oliver (Stephen Amell) has been fated to a path of destruction, which endangers the lives of his former teammates in the final episode of Season 3 of Arrow, only one thing could save the day.

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Of the previews and spoilers that have been revealed so far it seems Oliver, now known as Al Rah-Him, will be coaxed to commit extreme atrocities as a member of the League of Assassins under Ra's al Ghul's (Matt Nable) command. The preview for the next episode alluded to Oliver being asked to terminate Diggle. Even the stills that have been revealed for the final episodes, plus the synopsis, suggest that members of the Arrow crew will be threatened by Oliver's ascent in the dark order.

Oliver has been pretty much forced into his role and his willfulness cannot really be assessed but could it be that he is just playing along to defeat Ra's al Ghul by being part of his system. Also, it has been revealed that Ra's al Ghul might not exactly be invincible as is that case with the character in the DC universe.

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In an interview, Arrow's executive producer Marc Guggenheim dished about the fate of Ra's al Ghulin the rest of season 3 of the CW series.

Speaking to TVLine, Guggenheim revealed that the villain could die in the upcoming episodes of the show, as opposed to the belief that they would keep him alive in keeping with the storylines of the DC universe. The question suggested that it was something of an impossibility, to kill off Ra's al Ghul, and that DC comics would not be in agreement with such a twist. Guggenheim suggested that that was not the case and that they had all the creative freedom to do as they pleased with the character.

"The truth of the matter is that DC is our partner, and they've been a wonderful partner," he said. "They've never told us who has to die or who has to live - and I don't anticipate that changing any time soon. What we do with Ra's as far as whether or not he lives or dies will be based solely on a creative decision that we make for the good of the show, and has nothing to do with the greater forces at DC.

The episode will air on May 6 on The CW.

Watch the preview: