Things are getting so hectic on Nashville to the point where it seems like everything will fall apart.

Remaining Episode Of 'Nashville' Season 3 Will Be 'Jaw-Dropping'

On Wednesday, TV Line shared an interview with Charles Esten (Deacon) who mentioned if his character will officially move in with Rayna. Based on what he said, it sounds possible, but not guaranteed.

"He hasn't sold the house yet, but he's definitely in there where he should be with Rayna," Esten said. "So no, we haven't seen some of those moving scenes...we have a scene in Rayna's in-house recording studio there in her house, and you can see Deacon's guitars all around the room. So, yeah, it's happening gradually."

Chatter On The 'Big' Episodes Of 'Nashville' Season 3

The actor also talked about how difficult it's been for his character to have hope taken away when there were chances of finding a donor to save his life.

"Well, besides being great drama for our show, the unfortunate aspect of that is that it's real life for people on that list," Esten said. "It's not just like you order up a liver, and you know, it's here. There's not an app for that kind of thing...I'm glad that we're showing the ups and downs of it and the hardness of it."

In the promo for next week's season finale, Deacon's after-math of his illness may or may not work out the way everyone wants to.

The finale of Nashville airs on Wednesday, May 13 at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.