They both were on the receiving end of her rage when the truth about just what happened when her boyfriend cheated on her, and now, Eve (Kassie DePaiva) and Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) will get physical as they express their anger towards each other on Days of Our Lives.  

The Aftermath Continues After Paige Learns More About The Betrayal

The truth about Eve and JJ's (Casey Moss) affair came out after Paige (True O'Brien) overheard the two arguing about the secret, which led to her confronting first her mother and telling her she no longer wanted anything to do with her, and then JJ, during the birthday party he threw for her. Since then, she also learned that Jennifer had known about the affair and blackmailed Eve, trying to force Paige back into a romance that wasn't honest.  

Now, the two mothers and long time enemies will finally get into the confrontation that has been brewing between them since Eve first came back to Salem, with the altercation quickly turning violent as they finally give in to the rage they each feel over both their pasts and the way the situation with their children played out as well. 

Eve Vows Revenge On Jennifer

Meanwhile, as they fight over who was more wrong in this horrific situation, JJ may try to work on convincing Paige that their love is genuinely worth saving, after he finally tracks her down  and finds her following her ultimatum that he leave her alone for good and forget she existed.  

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.