The worst case scenario finally happened and Paige (True O'Brien) learned the truth about just what really transpired between her mother, Eve (Kassie DePaiva) and her boyfriend, JJ (Casey Moss)--and now, Eve won't let Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) escape from her role in the situation unscathed on Days of Our Lives.

Eve and Paige Have A Major Confrontation

Eve and JJ slept together several times despite hating one another, and Jennifer wound up walking in on them a while back, and realized what had been going on. However, instead of forcing her son to do the right thing and confess to his girlfriend, she instead saw the incident as her golden opportunity to have some control over her long-standing feud with Eve.

Jennifer then told Eve she would have to leave the two teens alone and stop scheming to break them apart, at the risk that if she meddled, Jennifer would make sure Paige learned the truth. Eve mainly kept to the agreement, though she did begin conspiring in private with Cole (Riley Bodenstab). That was where no blackmail in the world started to cause the secret to slowly reveal itself to Paige however, after Cole took matters into his own hands and planted drugs on JJ.

JJ Makes Plans For Eve

After JJ got wise of the situation he confronted Eve, and once again the two brought up their regrets over what happened--unaware that Paige was in the next room and heard every word. Now, armed with the truth, Paige has decided she no longer wants anything to do with either of them--meaning Eve also no longer needs to be on her best behavior.

As a result, she will swear revenge on Jennifer, for not only her own role in the situation, but for the fact that it was her son who came between Eve and her daughter--and the feud between the two will only continue to grow as a result.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC,