Lauren Conrad has taken a stand against body shammers.

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Since her Hills days years ago, Conrad has been running a successful style blog, and this morning, she made a major change to the way the site ran.

"When we’ve talked about getting in shape in the past, words like 'skinny,' 'slim' and 'thin' have often come up. Starting this month, we’ll be banning any body shaming terms from the site, and replacing them with words like 'fit,' 'toned' and 'healthy,'" Conrad's blog post on Monday explained.

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Conrad said that while she has done her best to refrain from words that may offend in the past, she and her team of style experts have recently gotten serious about the issue of body shamming, and have officially said goodbye to the three words mentioned.

"We try do to this for the most part anyway, but now we’re making it official!" the letter from Conrad continued. "The word skinny will now be reserved for skinny jeans."

"My editorial team and I had a long talk about it, and we want to make sure that the focus is on being fit as opposed to a number on the scale," Conrad noted. "Every body is created differently—and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes."

For more Lauren Conrad, take a tour of her Beverly Hills home in the clip below.