Many of the Big Brother 17 houseguests think that there is an "America's Player" in the house, especially after the latest eviction.

Vanessa's Paranoia Goes Into Overdrive on the 'Big Brother' Live Feeds

Head of Household: Liz/Julia Nolan & Shelli Poole

Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Jackie Ibarra, James Huling, Jason Roy, John McGuire, Meg Maley, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso

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Jeff Weldon was evicted Thursday night but it was not a unanimous house decision. While the majority voted him out, Jackie, John, Liz and Steve chose not to. The houseguests already knew that Jackie and John were going to vote to evict James, but many did not know about the other two.

When the live feeds were turned on after Thursday night's eviction, there was all sorts of paranoia that one of houseguests was America's Player, and that they voted to evict James. Vanessa led the charge of figuring out who voted in the minority, with speculation that either Audrey or Steve might be America's Player.

Vanessa, Austin, Clay and Shelli are completely unaware that their own alliance member Liz voted in the minority. And Liz hasn't told them.

There was also talk of Becky being one of those four votes, so she was brought up as a potential target this week.

Several potential targets have been suggested, including Becky, James, Jason and Steve. Shelli even suggested Austin as a possibility. The Nomination ceremony and Battle of the Block competition are expected to take place today, Friday.

Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, featuring the Nomination ceremony and the Battle of the Block competition.