Over the weekend, Disney hosted its Gold and Silver Ball 2015 in Los Angeles. The event brought out a lot of members of the Disney family, including Disney Channel star and Forever In Your Mind boy band member Ricky Garcia.

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Garcia stars on the channel's comedy Best Friends Whenever and he is signed with his Forever In Your Mind bandmates Emery Kelly and Liam Attridge to the company's record label, Hollywood Records.

Garcia brought his gorgeous girlfriend, Chloe Lukasiak, as his date for the Saturday night event.

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The former Dance Moms star rocked a stunning dress alongside her boyfriend of just over four months.

"Had an incredible night," she gushed on Instagram while showing off photos of herself donning the not-too-sparkly dress she wore to the ball.

She even called Garcia her "Prince," dishing, "Happy I got to go to the #GoldandSilverBall2015 with my Prince."

How cute, right? The couple definitely looks like they could be Disney royalty.

Garcia also had a great time at the ball, admitting he was "happy to have spent" the evening "with some fantastic people."

He then thanked the Disney Channel "for making me feel part of the family."

It sounds like the Gold and Silver Ball 2015 was a magical night for all in attendance.