Former R&B couple Rihanna and Drake both seem to be more comfortable baring themselves to the public ever since their alleged breakup was announced.

Drake Says Nasty Comment About Rihanna?

On Monday, E! News posted a picture of the Diamonds singer as she went to a club in West Hollywood for 4th of July. She was wearing a red see-through dress that showed parts of her skin, including a part of her chest that the site blurred out.

Drake Blames Chris Brown For Failed Relationship?

Strangely enough, Drake reportedly did a similar act since a shirtless selfie of him went viral. The image that can be seen on Hollywood Life shows the rapper taking a mirror selfie as he wears nothing except for jeans and boxer briefs, which are in plain sight. His abs, broad chest and biceps also draw out the eye.

This gives some insight on why the two stars are exposing their skin in public although it could easily be a coincidence; it could also just be comfort of expressing their bodies.

There was a recent rumor from Urban Islandz that Drake blames Chris Brown for his failed relationship with the We Found Love star whose real name is Robyn Fenty.

"Drake thinks Robyn has a lot of self-esteem issues and he blames Chris for that," a source told the site. "He feels like she is afraid of a commitment because of her trust and self-esteem issues. But she is one of the most confident gals I know so none of us really believe that. Drizzy acting like a bitter ex."