Joan Rivers said she wasn't pulling a publicity stunt when she walked out on CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield during a recent interview. The Fashion Police host was simply infuriated by her questions.

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She was "very judgmental, very nasty, very opinionated [and] negative," Rivers told Late Show host David Letterman about Whitfield, adding, "You know I'm easy to work with."

Letterman then jokingly walked out on Rivers during the interview on Tuesday. This didn't seem to bother Rivers who engaged in a conversation with herself. "I'll just take over," she said.

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Rivers stormed off her CNN satellite interview on July 5 as Whitfield spoke to her about her new book, Diary of a Mad Diva. The 81-year-old appeared very angry after Whitfield questioned her for wearing fur on the cover of the book. "You know, this whole interview is becoming a defensive interview," Rivers told her. "I don't want to hear this nonsense."

After the interview, Whitfield tweeted, "Lets talk. Lets just say @Joan_Rivers had a lot to say before and after storming off cam. Today at 11:30 est."

Diary of a Mad Diva - which she said is dedicated to Kanye West because he once proclaimed he doesn't read novels - includes jabs at some of today's most well-known celebrities, including Kim Kardashian and Kristen Stewart. The book is in stores now.