With the Ragnarok plot most likely the story for the next Thor movie, it would be in the God of Thunder's best interest to get as much help as he can, but could that lead to one heroine joining the ranks as a short appearance before moving onto a new Netflix show?

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One name that could appear in the Thor franchise is Valkyrie, a heroine who uses the enchanted sword, Dragonfang, and ends up working with The Defenders.

In the comics, Brunnhilde, the alter ego of Valkyrie, was selected by Odin, King of the Gods of the realm of Asgard, to lead the Valkyrior (the Choosers of the Slain), a group of warrior goddesses who would appear over the battlefields of mortal worshippers of the Asgardian gods and choose which of the fallen were worthy to be taken to Valhalla, the land of the honored dead. Brunnhilde served capably in this capacity for centuries.

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Brunnhilde and her fellow Valkyries continued to gather heroic mortal warriors for Valhalla until roughly a millennium ago, when Odin was forced to cease virtually all interaction with the Earth in accordance with a pact that he and the leaders of Earth's other pantheons of gods made with the extraterrestrial Celestials.

From then onward, the Valkyries could only choose slain heroes from among fallen Asgardian warriors. Brunnhilde was bitter over being barred from choosing warriors on Earth and roamed Asgard in pursuit of something meaningful to do. In a tavern on the outskirts of Marmoragard, Brunnhilde encountered Amora the Enchantress, who offered her a life of adventure.

This is a possibility as Amora the Enchantress is a character that has been rumored to be linked with the next movie. It also is worth noting that later on Valkyrie becomes a part of The Defenders, a series that is being made over at Netflix currently.