With a final appeals case set to be heard in just over three months time, supporters of convicted murderers Amanda Knox and Raffale Sollecito have taken a new course of action to try and get the former couple's convictions overturned for good.

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According to The Digital Journal, the organization Injustice in Perugia has filed a petition on change.org to call for a joint investigation into an extensive list of alleged violations during the investigation into Knox's roommate, Meredith Kercher's murder back in 2007. The petition, titled "Please investigate the activities of local law enforcement authorities and consular staff in the aftermath of the death of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy on November 1, 2007. There were multiple violations of national and international laws," asks for the governments of Italy, the UK and the US to investigate.

The petition, which as of press time had 688 signatures of 1,000, makes several allegations against the prosecution in the case and authorities, claiming that several things were done incorrectly during the investigation in an effort to try and fit Knox and Sollecito into the murder timeline.

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Some of the allegations include: suppressing and ignoring evidence, wiretapping without due cause, deprivation of legal counsel, interrogation of a foreign student without an independent accredited interpreter, and outright manufactured evidence.

The petition also states that authorities violated seven articles of the Italian Constitution, seven articles of the Italian Penal Code, five articles of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code, the Vienna Convention, the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, and the European Convention for Human Rights.

Knox and Sollecito were found guilty of Kercher's murder in 2009, but acquitted in 2011. They were found guilty again in January of this year.

Neither Knox, Sollecito or their defense teams are associated with the new petition.