Oh my goodness, baby orangutans are utterly adorable!

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The International Animal Rescue saves many animals, including orangutans, each year from suffering at the hands of cruel humans and deforestation.

In the video below that the International Animal Rescue's YouTube channel uploaded on Friday, rescued baby orangutans are seen getting transported in an unusual, yet brilliant way.

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These primates in Indonesia were saved from previously poor treatment that includes being abused in Thai sex trade and getting smuggled abroad and restrained as displays, to name a couple.

The International Animal Rescue transports these little ones via wheelbarrows once they are rescued since they do not like walking.

The non-profit organization noted on its wheelbarrow donation page that orangutans are known to "spend 90% of their time in the trees," which further proves their dislike of walking.

Just a single wheelbarrow "carries a barrow load of playful primates to their forest enclosure in style!"

The goal this organization has is to rescue and rehabilitate as many orangutans as they can in their permanent Orangutan Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre.

In the video, the orangutan babies are totally content as they are snuggled together in the wheelbarrows as they make their way to their new, safe home.

The CEO of International Animal Rescue, Alan Knight, is the man behind the camera and comments, "How cool is this?" as a few wheelbarrows filled with baby orangutans reach their destination of safety.

Each wheelbarrow is only $40. The International Animal Rescue needs more due to "the increasing number of orangutans in our care."

Plus, the rough terrain they endure with each transport causes rust to occur quickly.