The Level 10 Town Hall is nigh impregnable. The highest level in the game, it immediately changes to a crimson red and blue gray monstrosity, complete with drawbridge and flowing lava, just to warn anyone dumb enough to attack it just what they're about to face.

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See, if you have a Level 10 Town Hall you probably know what you're doing. You've played the game for months and months and have probably spent a good chunk of your life savings, and you know how to protect your home. That's why they're so tough to crack, and while most people will skip it for easier pickings.

Fortunately Galadon of Clash Of Clans Attacks fame has crafted a Clash of Clans attack strategy with the help of fellow enthusiast Peter17$, one that will show you how to not only win on an opponent with perhaps the strongest defenses in the game, but get multiple stars from the battle.

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The first battle sees him waging a ground war and breaking through the defenses before sending in King and Archer Queen to clean up inside. That's just the first- he tries a few more tactics to see what works best. Watch him destroy Town Halls with well-placed units and destroying 50% of the buildings to nab that second star.

They also have a Clash of Clans rap song but the less said of that, the better. Good luck out there, Clashers.