The final moments of filming Downton Abbey were emotional for everyone involved.

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On Thursday, BBC shared an interview with Jim Carter known as Carson on the series. When the end of filming came about, it gave him a feeling that he didn't really expect to have.

"It came to an end and they said, 'That's it for the servants, thank you very much,' and I thought someone should say something to the crew," Carter said. "I looked up and saw all their knackered faces and they work so hard and I thought, 'Oh my I'm really going to miss them' and I went...I filled up completely and hopelessly."

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As if that was hard enough, the actor saw his co-stars letting their tears fall.

"Phyllis Logan (Mrs. Hughes) was on the floor sobbing, Leslie (Nicol- Mrs. Patmore) and Sophie (McShera- Daisy) were hopless," Carter revealed. "I turned round and Lee the rigger, a great big guy who carries scaffolding around for a living had tears pouring down, Duncan the sound guy, Bobby the grip were all crying."

Michelle Dockery (Mary) and Laura Carmichael (Edith) became good friends while filming and plan to continue hanging out together.

"It would be nice to have a break together and it would be nice to watch the first one (episode) together," Dockery said.

"I hope at some point we'll all watch an episode together, but it's so difficult because everyone's so busy," Carmichael added.

Downton Abbey Season 6 premieres in the United States on Sunday, January 3 on PBS.