In recent weeks the members of Fifth Harmony have been enjoying some downtime!

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It seemed like all the girls returned to their homes to spend time with family and friends, but presently some have parted ways with their loved ones to go elsewhere.

Normani Kordei Hamilton, Ally Brooke Hernandez and Camila Cabello all appeared to relocate to New York City for one reason or another.

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Hamilton attended the Empire >Season 2 premiere event and looked absolutely stunning.

The oldest 5H member attended some fashion week events, including Michael Costello's show.

Her very first fashion show at New York Fashion Week this year was Vivienne Tam's collection, which she thought "was wonderful."

Cabello didn't elaborate on her New York City adventures, but did admit, "this city has a heartbeat yo."

It makes us wonder if her pal Taylor Swift has inspired these feelings of total love for the Big Apple.

Then there is Lauren Jauregui who took a vacation to Hawaii!

She's hit up the beach, gone zip lining and hiking while there.

Jauregui even shared a cool picture of herself on her hike.

"I love people and traveling and life and nature and HAWAIIIIIII!" she gushed.

It sure seems like this girl group is totally enjoying every second of their time off before they hop back into the studio to start working on their sophomore studio album.