Season 27 of The Amazing Race just got a whole lot more dangerous.

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The teams are on their fifth leg in Africa, which continued immediately after the fourth, and the tasks the teams will need to complete in order to make it to the pit stop could include the most dangerous ones they've had yet on the race, as they deal with the kinds of animals they never expected to see.

In a preview clip for the Friday, October 23 episode, teams can be seen completing what looks like two animal themed detours, which will have them either walking alongside lions in the wilderness, or taking a cage dive into crocodile infested waters-tasks which both seem to be dangerous and have the teams worried about their safety.

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"If they want to eat me there's nobody that could truly stop them from eating me," Justin notes in the clip as he and Diana prepare to walk alongside the lions.

Meanwhile, even the cage may not be enough protection for one team when they try to complete that task -as the crocodiles start getting a little snappier than predicted.

"Oh my god he's ripping the stick!" one of the contestants shouts in the clip.

However, the roadblock could also prove to be a nerve wracking feat for the teams, as at least one member of each will need to take a dive down a cavern with only a bungee cord protecting them-and those who have a fear of either falling or jumping from a high height could be in for a major shock.

The Amazing Race airs Fridays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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