It's the merge next week on CBS's Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance, and absolutely anything could happen.

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Bayon and Ta Keo will merge into one tribe in the next episode of Survivor: Cambodia, making this the biggest merge in Survivor history with 13 players still in the mix. These players have gone through two tribe swaps and whole lot of gameplay so far, so now that they've made it to the merge it's anyone's game.

Survivor host Jeff Probst teased to Entertainment Weekly that next week's episode will feature a Survivor first. This may be as simple as the merge having 13 players or it could be something even more significant.

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Probst also discussed the decision on Ciera Eastin's part to switch up Andrew Savage's plan to vote out Spencer Bledsoe, using her as a decoy target.

"My hunch is Ciera would say the tone in his delivery was part of the reason she fought back, along with just never wanting your name 'out there' for any reason at any time!" Probst explained. "But anytime you are in a leadership position you risk alienating someone with your decisions. Savage was riding high, he'd come back from the dead at Angkor, and I think he lost sight of how he was coming across. In theory I like the ask instead of tell approach, but in my 'Monday morning quarterback, never actually played' opinion, it really does depend on the particulars. Savage played it wrong and Ciera bit back hard."

Will the last vote have ramifications in the next episode as the tribes merge? It's certainly possible. Tasha Fox may want to get back together with Andrew, taking the trio of Jeremy Collins, Kimmi Kappenberg and Stephen Fishbach with her. Kelly Wiglesworth wasn't part of the plan to not vote out Spencer either so she could be an ally to them as well. In this case, they would just need one more person to gain a majority against the nuTa Keo alliance.

Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.