It's been a long and bumpy road for Agents of SHIELD's FitzSimmons, and even though Will is in the ground, the pair's burgeoning relationship is still on shaky ground.

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When Agents of SHIELD returns from it's seemingly interminable winter hiatus, Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) will have to come to terms not only with Will's demise, but with the fact that both she and Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) played a part in his death. The Maveth Inhuman usurped the astronaut's body and consciousness as Will attempted to get Simmons back to Earth, and his remaining body was flambéed by Fitz.

"It's a huge loss for her, but it's more of a question of how it'll affect her and Fitz moving forward when there are so many conflicting feelings between them at all times, and now there's even more," Jed Whedon told Entertainment Weekly.

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In other words, expect the science wonder twins to continue to dance around each other for a little bit longer.

"To say that [Fitz and Simmons'] relationship got complicated this year would be a little bit of an understatement," Whedon teased.

Find out more when Agents of SHIED returns to ABC on March 8.