Stop whatever it is you're doing and watch this video. It was shot on Wednesday at rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now, at this point there's not much that can happen at a Trump rally that can shock people anymore. There have been crazy speeches, subtle and overt racism, assaults that probable hate crimes, and even a dude on LSD.

But this footage, which hit the internet on Thursday, is something else. It seems that before Trump took the stage a troop of child performers warmed up the crowd with a song and dance number to honor the real estate mogul-turned controversial candidate. And it was atrocious, bordering on parody, and yet somehow was actually kind of catchy. IBTimes has received confirmation from the the Trump campaign that video is real, while Fusion is reporting that the performers are part of a group called "Freedom Kids."

Some highlights from the song's lyrics include:
"Cowardice, are you serious?
Apologies for freedom, I can't handle this,"

As well as:

"President Donald Trump knows how to make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time"

It really is something else. Enjoy.