Women may not admit it or may not talk about it but we do have it. Mustaches or better call it lady mustaches and it's mostly ripped off violently.

So why do women fear of talking about it? Is it something to be ashamed of?

According to a survey conducted by a  group of women in online media giant Buzzfeed's office, they found out that 77% of these women are self-conscious of these facial hair while 85% says it's "their worst enemy."

So how do these women handle their facial problem? According to the survey, 37% of them wax it off to fix it.

So, to take care of their facial hair, the ladys of Ladylike decided to bond by waxing off their lady mustaches by themselves and trusting their friends to do a great job on a first time basis.

See the video on how to make sure you can do it by yourself or with a friend. And although it might make you cringe at points, you'll be laughing at how these women made it into waxing it off.