The Flash's Barry Allen is having déjà vu all over again.

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The Scarlet Speedster is a gluten for punishment, and his punishment of choice appears to be betrayal. Barely a year after discovering the truth about the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh), the Fastest Man Alive is about to learn that Jay Garrick's (Teddy Sears) big brother act was nothing more than a sham.

Needless to say, Bar (Grant Gustin) won't take the Zoom reveal particularly well.

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"It's betrayal and disappointment in himself," Gustin told Entertainment Weekly. "Because it's almost like he's been through this before, and he can't believe he let himself go through it again."

Well, don't be too hard on yourself, Flash. Aside from going missing at a few crucial moments, Jay had us fooled as well. Who would think any version of the Earth-1 hero could possibly be in cahoots with a villain that makes Eobard Thawne seem like a basket of kittens.

For now, however, Barry is still in the dark regarding Jay's choice in friends/doppelgangers (twins?). When The Flash returns after a unbearable three-week hiatus, the STAR Labs team will return to battle Central City's first female speedster in "Trajectory."

Catch The Flash Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.