Outlander's "racy" Entertainment Weekly cover has Diana Gabaldon utterly unconcerned.

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The Starz series is gearing up for it's fourth season, and in preparation for the April premiere, stars Sam Heughan (Jamie) and Caitriona Balfe (Claire)) found themselves on the cover of the weekly mag. The position they were in, however, raised a little ire within the fandom (check out the photo here).

The image has been described as everything from "smut" to "soft-core porn," but considering the content of the series and previous advertising campaigns, these complaints seem rather baseless, if not outright bizarre. There are those, however, that had a more legitimate concern - the image could appear to paint the story solely as a "bodice ripper." Readers/viewers are worried that the image shortchanges the series' complexity.

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Gabaldon took to Facebook to respond (read the entire post here):

"For those complaining that the EW cover doesn't properly express the depth, complexity, etc. of the story (books or show)...well...no. It doesn't. Would you like to suggest a pictorial cover that a) _would_ express that, and b) would appeal instantly to a wide audience?" Gabaldon inquired. "It's one image; there's no conceivable way for a single image to encompass this story, or a fraction of it. A magazine cover is meant to do _one_ thing: attract eyeballs. With luck, said eyeballs will zip to Jamie and Claire, but will also see the word Outlander."

Were you bothered by the cover, or are does the coverage have you more stoked than ever? Sound off in the comments below!

Outlander will return to Starz on April 9.