For all intents and purposes, the highly-anticipated fight between Goku and Black Goku in the 50th episode of Dragon Ball Super definitely delivered on its promises. Featuring action sequences that were reminiscent of the glory days of Dragon Ball Z, the fight between the two titans of power was pretty much a spectacle to behold.

Indeed, Episode 50, titled Goku vs. Black! The Road Towards the Sealed Future did not disappoint. The spectacle of the fight between the two Gokus was enough to warrant the episode with pretty high ratings among fans. Apart from the fight, however, a few words spoken by the villain that might very well be a key to the plot of the current Future Trunks arc.

As Goku and Black Goku stare each other down, Black Goku remarks that it is an honor to fight Goku while inside its present physical body. By stating this, Black Goku has just confirmed a number of speculations that fans of the series have suggested over the previous months.

Among these speculations, of course, is that there is a force behind Black Goku that remains to be revealed. With regards to this force, many believe that it has something to do with a new character named the God King Zamasu, who attracted attention after being briefly introduced in the anime's newest opening theme.

Apart from this, Whis and Beerus also confirmed the involvement of a Kai with regards to the Time Ring that Black Goku currently uses to travel back and forth to the past and future. According to Whis, such items are only given to Supreme Kais; thus, it use is exclusive to these powerful beings.

Indeed, the puzzle of Dragon Ball Super's plot seems to be forming slowly yet deliberately, with each piece of the story being revealed little by little in each succeeding episode. At the end of the episode, Goku does, in a way, beat up Black Goku, forcing the latter to retreat.

The battle does not come without any casualties, however, as Future Trunks' time machine was totaled by the villain during the fight. All is not lost for Future Trunks, however, as his mother, Bulma, reveals that she still has preserved the first time machine from Dragon Ball Z's Cell saga intact.

Overall, Episode 50 featured great plot progression, with some light being shed on a couple of pervading mysteries in the franchise. Together with the awesome fight between Goku and Black Goku, it currently stands as one of the most notable episodes of Dragon Ball Super to date.