In perhaps one of the most ironic moments of the 2016 election season, Melania Trump has given a speech in Pennsylvania encouraging voters to support her husband, by discussing the way social media has led to too much online bullying-something her husband has been known for.

In the speech, the potential next FLOTUS said that social media has changed things, but sometimes it is done in a wrong way, and she called on everyone to start treating one another with more kind words and thoughts.

"...As we know now social media is a centerpiece of our has changed our universe, but like anything that is powerful it can have a bad adults many of us are able to handle bad words...children and even teenagers can be fragile...they can be made to feel less in looks and intelligence...our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers...We must treat each other with respect and kindness, even when we disagree," she said.

Of course, the irony of her words aren't really lost on those who criticize her husband, who has made a case for himself when it comes to the very kinds of attacks on social media which his wife was speaking out against.



  See 10 of Trump's biggest insults on Twitter below: