No matter what the outcome was going to be, we knew that it'd be a tight race and we'd wake up this morning to a terrified, disappointed and angry half of the country. Last night, America chose a winner -- Donald Trump -- and many Americans are feeling nothing short of terror following the results of election night.

While it might feel scary and you're wading in a pool of disappointment, we need to remember that it will, in one way or another, be OK. 

To battle the crippling disappointment, find ways to bring back a feeling of normalcy in your life. Go about your normal routine. Do what you need to remind yourself that it's going to be okay, whether that means taking a long bath, having an extra glass of wine, or just shutting your phone off for an evening or a weekend.

While you might think it'll feel cathartic to talk to family members and friends that supported the other party, don't. Avoid conversations that will lead to fights and anger, and instead, focus on trying to find the small positives.

Additionally, look for ways to help causes that you feel strongly about. Support Planned Parenthood, ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign and many others. Volunteer. Support minority-owned businesses. Learn from one another.

Lastly, remember that no matter what, you always have somewhere to turn. And even if it feels like you don't, know that someone will always be there to listen and comfort you.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 

Trevor Project Hotline: 1-866-488-7386 

Stay safe, everyone.