Alicia Silverstone is helping new mom's feed their babies.

The actress has set up a new program that allows moms to connect with other moms who may be in need of some extra breast milk to give to their children.

According to Alicia Silverstone's blog, the idea, now called "Kind Mama Milk Share," was prompted by a friends struggle to produce enough milk for her son after undergoing breast reduction surgery.

The new mother had made sure she kept herself healthy and nourished during pregnancy and did all in her power to ensure her son would have a healthy start to his life. However, as she looked for another woman to donate breast milk, she found it very difficult to find out how the lifestyle and health of the donor.

In stepped longtime vegan Silverstone. Through her blog she is encouraging other moms to use the site as an area to share and connect with parents who have, or need, breast milk.

"Welcome to the Kind Mama Milk Share, a way for moms to connect with other moms in their area. If you have milk to share--post it here! If you are in need of milk--post it here!" write Silverstone.

However, using another woman's milk has its risks. According to the New York Daily News, breast milk can carry HIV and viruses. Although places like breast milk banks screen the donations they receive, Silverstone's site does not.

"It goes without saying that common sense precautions should be taken," Silverstone cautions.

Hopefully the Clueless actress's site will be able to help parents receive the breast milk they need while also educating them about the dangers of not screening the donated milk they feed their child.