Did Janet Jackson have a secret baby with James DeBarge?

For years, buzzes about Jackson's secret child with her first husband, DeBarge, swirled around the internet. They suggested that the former couple welcomed a baby during their marriage but never introduced the child in public. Her sister Rebbie or brother Jackie reportedly raised the secret child on her behalf.

But in the upcoming documentary, "Janet," the 55-year-old singer dismissed the rumors and said that she never had a child with her ex.

"Back in the day they were saying that I had a child and I kept it secret," Jackson said, as quoted by People. "I could never keep a child away from James. How could I keep a child from their father? I could never do that, that's not right."

Addressing where the rumors probably began, Jackson said it seemingly happened when she was filming "Fame." At that time, she was taking birth control pills, causing her to gain weight.

Per the "Rhythm Nation" hitmaker, kids reportedly thought she was pregnant, causing the rumors to spread already.

Instead of having a secret baby, she welcomed her son Eissa in 2017.

Why did Janet Jackson, James DeBarge Broke Up?

In the same appearance, Jackson revealed the real reason why she and DeBarge called it quits. They got married in 1984 when he was 18, but they parted ways after a year.

Calling him a "sweet guy," she said that his drug use affected their relationship.

"I'm sitting in the hotel room in Grand Rapids, Michigan by myself, just 18, and for three hours, he never came back. I don't know, maybe it's this person in me that wants to help people subconsciously. When it comes to relationships, somehow I'm attracted to people that use drugs," she said.

Jackson added that she spent nights searching for him in the streets. She also tried flushing his pills so he would not have anything to use.

After a year of marriage, they had their union annulled.

Though she was still innocent and young at that time, their breakup was still reportedly painful for her.

Fans can watch Jackon's "Janet" on Friday, 8:00 p.m. on Lifetime and A&E.

Janet Jackson