Amanda developed a plan to stay in the house on the Big Brother live feeds, but nobody wants to go along with it.

Head of Household: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Nominees: Amanda Zuckerman & McCrae Olson

Other houseguests: Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, Judd Daugherty and Spencer Clawson

After being blindsided by the nominations, Amanda and McCrae quietly accepted their fate, knowing that one of them would definitely be evicted on Thursday. The Exterminators alliance (Andy, GinaMarie, Judd and Spencer) agreed to target McCrae for eviction depending on who won the Power of Veto.

The houseguests participated in the Power of Veto competition on Saturday, which resulted in a slight change of plans. McCrae won the competition, giving him the ability to remove himself from the nomination block. After the competition, The Exterminators alliance agreed that no matter who GinaMarie nominated in McCrae's place, they would evict Amanda on Thursday.

Amanda tried to pitch a plan to GinaMarie to nominate Elissa, but GinaMarie made it explicitly clear that she wasn't going to nominate her. Amanda said that she, Amanda, would probably have the votes to stay if Elissa was nominated alongside her.

Judd came up with a plan to try to convince McCrae to use the Veto on Amanda instead of himself. He told both Amanda and McCrae that if McCrae were to do this and GinaMarie nominated Elissa, then Elissa would definitely be voted out. However, Judd was secretly planning on voting out McCrae.

Judd's plan did not work, as McCrae chose to use the Power of Veto on himself on Monday. In McCrae's place, GinaMarie nominated Spencer for eviction. This is Spencer's seventh time on the nomination block, beating the record for the most nominated person in a single season of Big Brother.

Amanda knows that she is going to be evicted on Thursday, but said that she wanted to spend her last week with McCrae in relative peace.

Big Brother 15 will air its next episode on Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.