Scandal fans were treated to an early glimpse of lead actress Kerry Washington last night on the Late Show With David Letterman.

The third season of the hit show premieres tomorrow night on ABC, picking up after the shocking conclusion of the season finale. While Washington's character and her on-screen father clearly have a difficult relationship, the actress seems to be quite amicable with her parents, even taking them to the Emmy after parties with her.

However, it appears that no even TV stars parents can embarrass them in public, particularly when confronted with a member of the Game of Thrones cast.

"My mother's favorite show other than Scandal is Game of Thrones, which I love; it's a great show," Washington explained. "At the HBO party...I introduced them [to Jason Momoa] and my mother, this super conservative elderly woman, completely fangirled. Like clutched her heart and 'Oh my God,' and was so over the top that I actually was like, I don't know who you are right now."

When not filming, Washington works on the President's Committee for the Arts and Humanities. While this may involve doing the Lindy Hop for sixth graders, it doesn't sound like there will be much dancing when her drama returns.

"We premiere tomorrow" Washington said. "Scandal is really a show about a crisis manager. I play a woman named Olivia Pope, who gets called into the powerful peoples lives when they're in trouble and they need help fixing it."

"Not anything you would know anything about," Washington added, looking away from Letterman, making him panic.

Scandal airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on ABC.