Filming for season 8 of Doctor Who is now well underway, and the first behind-the-scenes clip has already managed to leak out.

In the wake of "The Time of the Doctor" Christmas special, Matt Smith is out and Peter Capaldi is in as the fully regenerated Twelfth (or Fourteenth) iteration of the time-traveling Gallifreyan. While the new Time Lord becomes accustomed to his unfamiliar kidneys and struggles to recall how to pilot the TARDIS, he and Clara (Jenna Louise Coleman) will touch down in Victorian London for the season premiere.

Inhabitants of the 19th century city will then be graced by the sight of a nightgown clad Doctor riding a horse through their cobblestone streets in the fog-shrouded nighttime, according to the bite-sized eleven-second clip (see video below).

Although fans may get a kick out of the scene, Capaldi admits to being a little wary of the mechanical mount he filmed on.

"I'm afraid of that horse, and the horse knows it," the Scottish actor told The Guardian.

Along with the steed, Madam Vastra (Neve McIntosh), Strax (Dan Starkey), and Jenny Flint (Catrin Stewart) will be joining the Doctor on his next adventure. The intrepid detectives of the Paternoster Gang have featured in several other episodes and will help to facilitate the transition to Capaldi's Doctor by giving fans a few familiar faces, according to Doctor Who TV.

Season 8 of Doctor Who is expected to come to the BBC and BBC America in the early fall.

Doctor Who, BBC, BBC America, Television