The Doctor Who production machine has powered up once more and is ready to start churning out season 8 episodes.

Now that the Twelfth Doctor has the keys to the TARDIS (providing he can learn how to fly it), Peter Capaldi is getting used to life on the Doctor Who set. Although a little jittery, the former Thick Of It star commenced filming on Tuesday.

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"New job, first day, slightly nervous," Capaldi said, according to the BBC." Just like the Doctor, I'm emerging from the TARDIS into a whole other world."

Unlike Matt Smith (the Eleventh Doctor), the 55-year-old Scotsman grew up during the heyday of Classic Who. With the Time Lord and his story so engrained into the fabric of his past, Capaldi will be able to bring an extra depth of experience to the iconic sci-fi fare.

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"I was five when the show started. I don't remember Doctor Who not being part of my life, and it became a part of growing up, along with The Beatles, National Health spectacles, and fog. And it runs deep," Capaldi explained to Doctor Who Magazine, according to the Mirror. "It's in my DNA."

Capaldi and co. will be filming in Cardiff until August. Click the video below to see the Eleventh Doctor regenerate into Capaldi's Twelve during the 2013 Christmas special, "The Time of the Doctor."