A humongous squid has been caught on camera off the coast of Australia. The rare sighting was captured on video, shortly before being eaten by a predator. The 10 to 13 foot giant squid was spotted by a fishing columnist from The Australian Daily Telegraph.

Al McGlashan of the newspaper said: "It must have died not that long before we found it because it didn't smell at all and its colors were still strong - most giant squid remains are smelly and rotten and just off-white by the time someone finds them," McGlashan said.

He told ABC News: "They're sort of one of those mythical things.You hear those stories about ancient mariners getting attacked in their boat ... and you only hear about the very occasional one being washed up down in Tassie."

According to a squid specialist, the squid could have died after originally being partially eaten by a sperm whale or from natural causes.

The video captures the squid carcass - before another predator, this time the blue shark, comes up and decides to feast on the squid. "In all my time of fishing, I've never seen calamari rings so big," McGlashan said. "It was massive."
See the video of the blue shark eating the giant squid below.