It looks like the latest Star Wars flick might include Han Solo's Millennium Falcon.

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On Tuesday, DenOfGeek reported that a full scale Millennium Falcon is currently being built at Pinewood Studios along with light saber hilts. If this is how it's going to be done, then this creates a higher chance that more natural effects will be used instead of special effects.

As for how the rest of the film is going to go, most of the information is being kept under wraps.

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Director J.J. Abrams revealed that his office is literally being covered up.

"I'm working on the Star Wars script today and the people in my office have covered up all my windows with black paper," Abrams said. "I guess they wanted to make sure no one could see what I was doing. It seems rather extreme."

As for casting, one of the latest rumors revolved around Russian punk band Pussy Riot members Maria Alyoshina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.

They have reportedly been offered several movie roles and Star Wars became a skeptical name.

"We have some offers, but we cannot say from whom, nothing is agreed," Tolokonnikova said.

When she was asked if there was any possible involvement, all she said was, "Sorry, we have some offers, but we cannot say anything at the moment."

Other rumored actors include Zac Efron, Tom Hiddleston and Jack Reynor.

Original stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher have been reported to reprise their roles as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia.