Despite their best efforts to try and win the $1 million prize in honor of Bopper Minton, Mark Jackson and Mallory Ervin appear to instead be the next team who will be eliminated on The Amazing Race.

Mallory Ervin Replaces Bopper Minton?

In the Feb. 23 season premiere episode, teams were shocked to learn that Bopper was not given a clean bill of health, and as a result could not race with his season 20 partner, Mark. Ervin, who previously appeared on seasons 17 & 18 of the show, was selected to replace him.

Though the team has some kinks to work out, they fared pretty well for the first leg, placing 6th overall, and seeing the elimination of a strong team in "Twinnies", Natalie and Nadiya Anderson.

The "Twinnies" Claim Big Advantage Despite Early Elimination

However, the luck the hybrid team encountered on the first leg appears to have run out by the second episode, Baby Bear's Soup, slated to air opposite the Oscars Telecast next Sunday, March 2.

In the clip, which starts off by recapping how Mark and Bopper had to "break-up" at the starting line, teams continue their journeys through Guangzhou, China, in challenges that appear to involve Tai Chi and large toy cars, a voiceover teases how the nine other remaining teams have all competed together before for the various lengths of their previous stints on the show, whereas Mark and Mallory have a single leg under their belts. This sets it up to show that this is a severe disadvantage for the two, setting them behind everyone else when they lose Mark's backpack.

"Is your backpack back there?" Mallory asked Mark in the clip, as he replied "No!" in frustration.

The two then tell their taxi driver they need to head back to their previous location, as Mallory begins worrying that they're going to lose the entire race because of it.

The clip then cuts to an interview Mark gives with the camera crew, where he vents his frustration that Mallory had a hard time listening to him.

"My opinion mattered nothing to her," he said.

The two could potentially be the second team eliminated for the All-Stars season as a result.

The Amazing Race airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on CBS.