Football star Michael Sam appears to have several fans after attending an autograph signing with his teammates on Saturday.

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Sam, who publicly came out last month, attended the signing of more than 300 fans at the Chesterfield Mall with his teammates, and according to ESPN, Sam was a bigger draw than the rest of his University of Missouri teammates.

"He has outsold them by at least a 2-1 margin," Ryan Houston, president of the St. Louis Card Company said.

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Fans attending the event also had nice things to say about Sam during the event.

"We're extremely proud of Michael," Bobby Torgoley, a Missouri alumnus and St. Louis attorney said. "He is a pivotal player in changing the attitudes toward a group that was previously held down."

Sam reportedly signed an 11-by-14 inch photo and a Missouri Helmet for Torgoley.

A military veteran named Phil Carroll also attended the event where he gave Sam two interwoven bracelets with a dog tag attached which read, "Michael, You are loved, You are backed, You are strong, Never change."

"I wanted him to have a constant reminder of who he is and to not be affected by someone else's opinions," Carroll said.

Sam recently wrote a letter to his college at the University of Missouri where he revealed how grateful he is for all of the students' and administrators' support.

Check out the letter here.