It looks like Valeria Lukyanova, who is also known as 'Human Barbie,' is succeeding in a lifestyle that requires her to not eat.

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On Tuesday, the Ukranian model posted a photo on her Facebook account that she turned into her profile picture. The picture shows Lukyanova taking a mirror selfie as her body is exposed. She's wearing a black and white top with jean shorts, but her stomach and waist are drawn out. The bones in her body are beginning to stick out as her enitre torso looks tiny.

Even though this type of body would appear to be uncomfortable, the model manages to give a smile in the photo as her long, blonde hair flows down her right shoulder.

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Lukyanova previously told International Business Times that she was practicing a lifestyle called "Breatharianism" to survive off of only light and air instead of food.

"In recent weeks, I have not been hungry at all; I'm hoping it's the final stage before I can subsist on air and light alone," she said.

Despite the fact that this practice seems dangerous and unhealthy, a story in Jamusheen mentioned that it may not be as bad as it looks.

"The capacity to live on light is directly related to our ability to attract, absorb and radiate Divine Love, which is determined by our lifestyle," the site wrote. "When we are well tuned and four body fit, we can access an inner power, which has the ability to love us, guide us, heal us and also nourish our cells."