Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Portia De Rossi, have been constantly rumored on getting a divorce, and some photos were just released of the couple that shows if trouble really is brewing in paradise.

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On Friday, Daily Mail posted pictures of the couple as they attended an event in Los Angeles. DeGeneres wore a white button-up shirt with a plaid jacket as De Rossi wore a suit with a black tie. The two wrapped their arms around each other as they smiled for the camera.

The two appeared at Arianna Huffington's Thrive book party where the site pointed out that the couple looked very much in love.

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This moment creates some speculation since there was a recent rumor on Digital Spy that De Rossi had apparently left her wife at home so she could attend the 2014 AOL Digital NewFronts Presentation at the Duggal Greenhouse in Brooklyn, New York.

"Portia is very demanding," a source reportedly said. "She wants Ellen to work less, and spend more time with her.

"But Ellen doesn't want to- she has worked hard to get to where she is, and isn't going to let things slide," the source added.

The site also mentioned that the two have fancy tastes, which is allegedly why DeGeneres is working so much.

Rumors have been around the couple for quite some time now especially in the tabloids, but based on the recent images of them together, there is a good chance that there are no divorce or any other type of gossip to be speculative of.