Some couples deal with more drama while Victor and Dylan are getting closer to getting rid of Ian Ward on the next episode of The Young and the Restless.

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At the Club, Neil, Devon and Cane talk about Hilary. Devon says Hilary isn't who he thought she was. He adds that he wants Neil to be happy, but thinks he's making a mistake with Hilary. Yet, Neil says he sees a future with her. Cane also tells Devon to admit that he once had feelings for her too.

In the meantime, Lily and Hilary argue upstairs about her relationship with Neil. Despite Lily's accusations that Hilary is taking advantage of Neil, she says she's in love. Moments later, Neil walks in and Lily abruptly leaves. Hilary tells Neil that Lily will never be on their side. But, he says he's falling in love and won't be able to end this. Hilary says she feels the same and they kiss. Lily heads downstairs and finds Devon and Cane. They talk about Neil's huge mistake and Devon says he hopes they can still do something.

Victor Threatens Ian Ward's Life?    

Another couple is also dealing with some problems of their own - Abby and Tyler. While at the movies, Abby tells him that she's happy Mariah is gone. His phone then goes off and it's Mariah.

Later on, Tyler goes to Crimson Lights and asks Leslie to go to Portland to defend Mariah. She declines. Abby comes and says she's angry that he wants to help Mariah. He recalls the time Mariah slept with a client to stop him from pressing charges against Tyler. Although he broke up with her, Tyler feels he owes her something for what she did. It's clear that Tyler is going to Portland and Abby says not to expect anything when he returns.

More drama also continues with Ian Ward, who claims he was robbed by a thug. Dylan is enthused and tells Paul he'd even like to shake the culprit's hand. He then heads to Victor's office and tells him the news. He adds that he spoke to Ian's ex-wife and she can help them bring him down with the right information. Victor and Dylan agree to join forces.

-- The Young and the Restless airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.