Laurel's weaknesses might be showing on MTV's The Challenge: Free Agents, but one person she won't give in to is her ex bestie Cara Maria; and her housemates called her out on it.

Laurel's Weaknesses Revealed?

In a trailer for the upcoming episode set to air Thursday, Laurel laughs off Cara Maria's injury that put her in the hospital.

Laurel told her co-stars, "It's probably a sprain." And while they were hopeful that she was still able to compete, Laurel seemed as if she couldn't care less.

Laurel Betrays Cara Maria?

"Cara Maria has been gone. After The Challenge, she did not come back. She went straight to the hospital. I don't really care if she stays or not."

Zach then pointed out that he thought Laurel and Cara Maria's relationship was on a different path than that.

"Last time we checked she was like your best friend."

Laurel reminded them that they were on the outs but what she probably didn't see coming was her housemates urging her to be the one to apologize.

"She wasn't in the wrong," one added.

Johnny told the cameras that he wanted to make sure Laurel was aware of her "condescending" and "rude" attitude.

The rest of them chimed in and said that Laurel needs to make it right with Cara Maria and let something "petty" come in between their friendship.

But Laurel was definitely not backing down.

"I am who I am. It's not like I don't care about her. I have no ill will towards her. I just don't want to talk to her. I'm getting defensive because I feel like you're all taking her side."

She stormed out after they agreed that they were in fact taking Cara Maria's side. Check out the video here.