A first exclusive behind-the-scenes video from the set of Jurassic World was revealed on June 24 by The Today Show. The cast of the movie and director Colin Trevorrow spoke about what fans can expect from the movie.

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While talking to the host of the show, Bryce Dallas Howard suggested that it was a privilege to be a part of the movie and how Jurassic Park was her generation's Star Wars. Howard barely gave away any spoilers, but Chris Pratt did give fans a decent sense of what the premise of the movie.

"Where we're shooting right now is Jurassic World. People from around the world - 20,000 visitors a day - come to see the dinosaurs and see several attractions," he said. "It's been around long enough where attendance has started to fall off a little bit, so they've decided to come up with a new attraction to bring even more people in. And you're never going to believe it, but it doesn't go well."

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Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins, who play kids visiting the park, also goofed around on set with The Today Show host and shared funny tips on how to deal with a dinosaur threat.

Jurassic World is being directed by Trevorrow and will star Pratt, Howard, Jake Johnson, Omar Sy and Irrfan Khan.

The Jurassic Park films are based on Michael Crichton's series of novels about pre-historic beasts being revived by revolutionary gene technology. Frank Marshall and Pat Crowley are co-producing the film alongside Steven Spielberg, who directed the first two installments in the franchise.

The film will hit theaters on June 12, 2015.

Watch the video here: