The Big Brother live feeds have showed the craziness of what's been going on in the house as of late, and it seems that two sides are beginning to form.

Zach Becomes New Target For Devin & Frankie on Big Brother 16

Head of Household: Devin Shepherd

Nominees: Paola Shea & Zach Rance

Other Houseguests: Amber Borzotra, Brittany Martinez, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Donny Thompson, Frankie Grande, Hayden Voss, Jocasta Odom, Nicole Franzel and Victoria Rafaeli.

Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Reveal Devin Self-Destructing

After Devin and Brittany had an intense heart-to-heart, Devin agreed to "veto" his nomination of Brittany and took her off the block. In her place, Devin nominated the person in his own Bomb Squad alliance that he thought was causing too much trouble in the house: Zach.

While the live feeds were down during the ceremony itself, the houseguests talked about the eventfulness of it all once the feeds were back. Apparently, Zach called out Frankie at the ceremony, which he did not appreciate. There were also accusations that Paola threw the Battle of the Block competition, which she vehemently denied.

Later in the day Monday, Zach decided to "blow up" the Bomb Squad and revealed it to Hayden. Once word got out of Zach's actions, Devin and Caleb took Hayden to the HOH room and offered him a deal to join the Bomb Squad in place of Zach. While Hayden nodded and smiled, he made it clear to Frankie, Christine and Derrick that he was uncomfortable with the whole situation and essentially had no intention of joining.

As it stands now, it would appear that it will be a close vote between Paola and Zach for Thursday night's eviction. Amber and Caleb want to evict Zach while Brittany, Cody, Derrick, Hayden and Nicole want to evict Paola. There are several votes that are still up in the air, including Christine, Donny, Frankie, Jocasta and Victoria. There has been plotting on both sides of the debate hoping to get their votes.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, which will feature the Power of Veto Competition and the sure-to-be-eventful Veto Ceremony.