The Bomb Squad is continuing to implode on the Big Brother live feeds, with one new houseguest emerging as a potential new target for eviction on Thursday.

Devin Self-Destructing & Turning Into Biggest Target In The House

Head of Household: Devin Shepherd

Nominees: Brittany Martinez & Paola Shea

Other Houseguests: Amber Borzotra, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Donny Thompson, Frankie Grande, Hayden Voss, Jocasta Odom, Nicole Franzel, Victoria Rafaeli and Zach Rance.

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A lot has changed in the Big Brother 16 house since the Battle of the Block competition. The houseguests played for the Power of Veto on Saturday, and Devin wound up winning the competition.

Late Saturday night, Devin had a lengthy conversation with his intended target for the week, Brittany, and while the two bickered, the conversation wound up bonding them together and he ultimately agreed to use the Power of Veto on her. There were rumors of this throughout the house in the wake of the conversation, with some speculation on who he might put up in Brittany's place.

Meanwhile, Zach has made his dislike of Devin known to almost everyone in the house. He said that he wants to irritate Devin so much that he hits him and is promptly expelled from the house.

With Zach, Cody and Derrick gradually distancing themselves from the Bomb Squad, it has become apparent to Devin that he only really has Amber, Caleb, Christine and Frankie. Devin began entertaining the idea of nominating Zach, noting that he has the votes to be able to get him out. Despite the supposedly tight "Zankie" alliance, Frankie appeared to be going along with the plan to get Zach out.

The Veto Ceremony will likely be held on Monday. It is currently unknown exactly what Devin will choose to do but it seems likely at this point that Brittany is coming off the block.

Meanwhile, it seems that two new members have joined the Team America alliance: Derrick and Frankie. The two houseguests have talked about it and have confirmed it with Donny as well. They plan to stick together to the end.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, which will feature the Power of Veto Competition and the Veto Ceremony.