Agents of SHIELD is gearing up to delve into Skye's mysterious past in season 2.

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The former hacktivist turned agent spent her childhood hopping from foster home to foster home with no clear memory of her parents. Whoever - or rather, whatever - Skye (Chloe Bennet) thought her parents were, it definitely didn't fall in line with the answer she received from Coulson (Clark Gregg).

An 0-8-4, Skye is an object of unknown origin. Although she doesn't appear to have any powers, her monstrous parents wrecked carnage on a small Chinese town and an entire SHIELD team in order to track her down as a baby. They may have failed then, but Raina (Ruth Negga) recently delivered a picture of Skye to one parent - a picture he grasped with a seemingly bloody hand.

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Marvel likes to keep its secrets, but co-series creator Jed Whedon has informed fans that questions about Skye's parentage will be explored in season 2.

"I think we can't really say anything, but I think the end of the season answers some questions, but asked a lot of new questions," Whedon told BuzzFeed. "We're optimistic about a Season 2, and the chance to answer those questions."

Meanwhile, Bennet claims that this search may contribute to an overall darker tone for the show.

"The show is getting a little bit darker, it's a little edgier and you'll see that as we progress it will be crazy," Bennet said, according to The Star. "Skye finds out a lot about her family coming up, or lack thereof. She doesn't know where she's from or if she's human, or alien, if she has powers. She has no idea, so we'll be seeing a lot of her finding that out."

Find out more when Agents of SHIELD returns to ABC this fall. Click the video to see a preview for the series' latest episode.