Patrick (Jason Thompson) could be in some big trouble at work, but his job isn't the only thing that's going south in his life on General Hospital.

Patrick Gets In Touch With Robin?

Since his wife, Robin (Kimberly McCullogh) left town to unfreeze the Cassadine relatives and save Jason Morgan, their relationship has suffered-and since she didn't come home when Patrick needed her there to support him after his son Gabriel's death, he may not be considering dissolving the marriage entirely.

"You and Robin are getting a divorce?" his mother-in-law, Anna (Finola Hughes) asks him in a preview clip for the Thursday, July 17 episode.

Patrick Accused Of Letting Rafe Die?

If Patrick does divorce Robin it could make him free to date other women again-and if Silas (Michael Easton) has his way, Patrick will lose his job-giving him a lot more free time to date.

Silas doesn't believe Patrick gave Rafe's (Jimmy Deshler) surgery his best try, and purposely botched the procedure-ending the teen's life in retribution for Gabriel's death. Patrick swears he didn't allow his personal feelings to get in the way of his ethics, and that he tried to save Rafe's life, but to no avail.

Now, Silas wants both Patrick and the Chief of Surgery who forced him to scrub in and perform the operation, Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), to pay for what he genuinely believes was a crime.

"You and Drake are going to answer for the blood on your hands," he warns Obrecht in the clip.

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 2 p.m. on ABC.