Matt Nable will be playing the part of the main villain, Ra's Al Ghul, in season 3 of Arrow.

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On September 4, The Hollywood Reporter reported that the actor had been cast in the meaty role of Ghul. The villain will make his appearance in the fourth episode of the season, titled The Magician, which is also going to be the show's landmark 50th. The Australian actor is best known for his work on Riddick.

Up until now there had been a lot of speculation surrounding the casting for the villain's part. Recently, Liam Neeson, spoke about the possibility of him reprising his role as Ra's al Ghul -- in Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises -- in season 3 of Arrow.

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While promoting his latest movie, A Walk Among the Tombstones, Neeson told MTV that he would absolutely love to play the part of the DC villain again but hadn't been approached by The CW yet.

"No, I haven't, I haven't at all," Neeson said about being approached by the Arrow team.

Then when asked if he would consider taking it up if the show approached him, he was totally game.

"I would, in a heartbeat, if it came my way, yeah," Neeson said. "Very much so."

Ghul will be the prime antagonist in season 3, like Slade was in the season 2. The villain comes straight from the DC comicverse and is best-known for playing menace in the Batman series.

Season 3 of Arrow premieres on October 8 on The CW.

Watch a preview for the upcoming season here: